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Dandelion Fields


“And suddenly you know: It's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.”
~ Meister Eckhart
Trust the magic of new beginnings. That’s how the idea of Lyminality took shape.
Liminality originates from the Latin word – limen, meaning a threshold. It’s a place of ‘in-betweenness’, a stage between ‘what was’ and ‘what’s next’. This space does come with its share discomfort of not knowing ‘what’s next’ and the pain of leaving behind 'what was'.  Its a movement out of one's comfort zone but not knowing where exactly we are headed. 


A metaphor I use to understand liminality is the miraculous transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. This metamorphosis fills me with awe. The tiny egg hatches and out comes the very humble caterpillar. As soon as it does, it dives straight into this adventure with fervor, devouring its egg first and then exploring new terrain for leaves to feed on. It marches on, chomping and munching along the way looking for more. And more it finds. It grows. It flourishes.


Just when things start to look fantastic – good food, awesome growth, feeling high and energetic, strange things begin to happen. What seemed like fun earlier loses its appeal. It feels like life has come to a standstill – stagnating even. The caterpillar soon isolates itself and goes through a phase of losing itself and its identity. It builds a wall around itself. To the caterpillar, this may seem like a space of total darkness and chaos because inside this wall, it is disintegrating and reality, as it knew, is all gone. The life that the caterpillar knew was coming to an end. It has no idea of what is to come or what it is capable of. Even though it was born with the potential to become the butterfly, it forgets. This stage that the caterpillar goes through as the pupa, of deconstruction and reconstruction, is the liminal space. And it can be an overwhelming experience.

Zebra Butterfly

We go through this phase several times in our life. Every transition, be it our birth from being that single-celled zygote to change of jobs – each of these experiences are our liminal spaces – of not knowing ‘what’s next’ and most often accompanied by fear and anxiety.

Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, has been quoted as saying “change is the only constant in life.” And each of these changes we experience takes us through varying intensities and magnitude of liminal spaces. I started my learning journey to explore what would help me keep myself grounded, patient and hopeful to allow this transformation to happen with joy.


I look at the caterpillar again for inspiration for the way forward. In the transformation that it goes through not knowing what is to come, would it have been easier if it knew that it always had the potential to transform into a beautiful butterfly? That the egg from which it came from is the sure-shot indication of what is to come? Would this be a source of hope and trust? Would this knowledge make darkness and uncertainty less uncomfortable? Maybe the transition itself could be something the caterpillar could look forward to? 

To know for sure that we have the potential to transform into something new and better because, at the core, that's who we are - this core belief can help us remain grounded and practice compassion towards self and others making our journey of transformation easier. This resonates with the value base of Transactional Analysis – All people are OK. Okness is the knowing that we are worthy of love and belonging with or without transformation, that we have the potential to hold our space just as we are. This knowing gives us the courage to sail through our liminal spaces with compassion and trust.


Lyminality aims to offer courage in living to as many people possible by teaching healthy and efficient ways to move towards wellbeing, change and growth transforming their liminal space experiences to opportunities to learn and grow. 


We envision reaching people from all walks of life to empower them to realize their potential, cope with the normal stresses of life, enable them to work productively and fruitfully, and encourage them to contribute to their community.

Our mission is to provide quality and interactive learning modules for the personal and professional development of individuals and groups.

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